Sunday, October 23, 2011

MONA Fall Festival

Games, a parade, great food, and conversation Oct. 22, 2011
Contact and instructions on the google group if you would like copies of more photos.
Click to enlarge. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to make this a great success!

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Monday, October 03, 2011

Merry Oaks Bike Ride

10/1/2011 Here's snapshot of the "littlest cyclist" participating in Sundays' bike ride through local neighborhoods and the Briar Creek Greenway.

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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Composting Workshop

10/1/2011 Jen. W. organized a well-attended workshop for recycling/composting and Renee, volunteer Master Composter from Charlotte Wipe Out Waste explained to approximately 20 persons how to compost and why it is important. The hands on event included coffee, snacks, free compost bins and prizes. Composting has already made a difference in what goes in CLT landfills. Click on the image to enlarge. Information on how you can compost at:

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